Saturday, December 17, 2005

Conception of Nepali solidarity

On 16/11/05, WOBBLYWORM wrote:
brother..i hope all is well with u and ur better half. today i am very worried.. nepal ko situation is going bad day by day.. and i feel that nepali haru rdisintegrating.. we need a solidarity movement to keep nepalis together.. tomake each nepali proud to b a nepali.. yahan i am seeing that ppl find pride in becoming an american.. becoming a westerner.. even to the extent ofindianization.. this is so sad because some day will come when nepalis willb ashamed to b a nepali.
i see the need to start a solidarity movement... a movement that will unite the nepalis.. a movement that will create a feeling of national pride.. amovement that will bring change to the minds, spirits and actions of allnepalis. this can only come about initially from the mind.. then the word.. and then action. agenda: 1. discover the pride of a nepali 2. vow Nepali solidarity 3. work as a nepali
seed discussion:
SOLIDARITY of NEPALI :: royalty, politician, ordinary citizen, non-resident nepali; bhote, newar, pakhe, madhise; jaagira, damai, kaami, pode; communist, congressi, maobadi;hindu, muslim, atheist; milliionaire, magaaante; thekedaar, khaate,industrialist -- we all are nepali. can we see the nepali in each of them? in spite of all the differences, can we learn to find a common ground? onlywhen we can, can we find solidarity among nepalis.
who am i is the question that each of us must ask each other.. because eachindividual makes us nepali. each one must decide who is my family, who is my friend, who is a nepali. because if we cannot decide who is nepali,eventually, we will not be able to decide who is friend, who is family andwho i am.each of us has a bright future.. a path, a direction... the path is our identity.. we are young. but as we grow older and we have found the end ofour path, we start to re-consider.. some find another direction, anotherpath.. some re-evaluate.. but the question remains.. who am i, where am i, why am i?
my solution is to start with an answer to the ultimate question: i am anepali. we are nepalis. and what i am, what i do, wherever i am, i am anepali. i appeal to all my fellow men and women.. let us join hands to find common ground and walk in solidarity. the socio-economic-political problemsthat we have in our country is not the problem, solidarity is the problem.let us individually understand this and be a nepali, think a nepali and work a nepali. Jai Nepal
Note: Please share ideas and opinions and let us start with the above agendaso that we can secure the Nepali future.

Best wishes, WOBBLYWORM.


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