more on "desh ko sthiti"
Dear Guys,
all of you must have noticesd the protests which began from April 6 in Kathmandu and across the country. It shows us how (un)popular the present king of Nepal is. I think a strong majority of people think our dear king's steps have totally failed to bring consensus and peace in this country. His post February 1 program has FAILED. The country itself is becoming a failed state.
Nepal needs new inclusive political setu p where democracy and fundamental rights are guaranteed. We nned to bury feudalism once and for all in this country. Feudalism, sycophancy, nepotism, corruption, mediocrity are some of the key problems afflicting Nepal at present.
Beleive me, the present royal government cannot solve these problems. Just forget that it can persuade Maoists to give up arms and join the mainstream. No military solution can bring end to the ongoing conflict. Root causes like poverty, over-centralization, unemployment, under educated masses have to be squarely dealt with.
Its not easy to hit the navil at one go but we alll can try to solve the problem if we are determined. Friends, South Asian economy is growing at the rate of 6-7 percent. But Nepal's growth rate was a pathetic 2 percent, according to ADB. Where is Nepal while the rest of the world moves up from the shackles of poverty. Just look at India and China.I am not asking you all to support the seven part alliance. It is your choice. You should give your trust and mandate to people whom you can trust. There are a lot of corrupt politicians who did absolutely nothing for the country between 1990-2002. But please don't blame democracy for it. It was the greedy individuals who are to blame. The best system is where people elect their leaders. No
autocracy whether it be monarchy or dictatorship can be a substitute for democrcacy.
Democracy has to be inclusive to address the problems of peoples of all walks of life including the backward, ethnic , dalits and the majority. It should be an equity based society. National wealth and economic opportunities should be fairly distributed to keep everyone happy. But communism advocated by Maoists and other communist parties would mean end to all freedom. Nepal needs foreign capital and investment to succeed. it has to attract investment the way China and India are doing. Nepal lacks domestic resources. Any new government should facilitate investment from abroad to such important sectors like water resources in order
to tap its benefits for the overall development of the country.So guys support democracy movement in Nepal. Let us all move towards enlightenment and freedom. Away with feudalism and backwardness.
PR (Wed, 12 Apr 2006)
And who are the leaders we are opted for electing from. Supporting the current movement to me seems like bringing those rascals to power again and filling their pockets so that Nepal goes back another 10 years and 10 times poorer. Or is there any new movement you suggest of ?
Convince me that the 7party leaders (the obvious people whom we have to choosefrom in Democartic Nepal) have changed and they will perform better and I can support the current movement.
SP (Wed, 12 Apr 2006)
Well spoken SP..
My views:
1. I believe in democracy but in order for democracy to work, we need candidates who have a feasible and progressive agenda for the country and the ability to execute the plans. Who are those candidates should be the question in our minds.
2. If we were to stand before a king, which of our heads would not bow down? The "king", as an institution, is a symbol of Nepali solidarity. The "king" is not our enemy. I still believe that the
king has the ability and the desire to modernize the politics as well as the leadership style in Nepal. Its good to know that the "people" are waking up, but the energy should be channeled towards resolution, not further conflict.
3. Maoist? who are they? what do they want? any ideas?
WOBBLYWORM (Wed, 12 Apr 2006)
To me King is only a Guardian of the country.
If you and your siblings were fighting over the same seat in your living room......
what wrong would it be if your father took over that seat and putall of you aside...
what wrong would it be if he started locking you up, if you started burning the living room TV...
what wrong would it be if he disallowed all of you from the living room until you learnt to stay there together...
what wrong would it be if he beat you up because you brought in "Goonda"s to act against him
SP (Wed, 12 Apr 2006)
Haha.. vivid imagination.. and interesting analogy too.
Well I see nothing wrong with the father. Its not the father or the seat that I'm worried about.. and neither am I worried about the fighting siblings.. Its the future of the children's children that
worry me.
WOBBLYWORM (Wed, 12 Apr 2006)
take away the tv so the kids have nothing to fight about. just a stupid comment :) in all seriousness, hope the kids and the dad will find some way to work out a deal so that none of them sit on the seat and give it up for mom.
SS (13 Apr 2006)
Who would be the Mom in Nepal's context?
SP (13 Apr 2006)
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