Friday, May 19, 2006

Starting of People's Movement against King

Here is another series of emails:

*** May 4, 2006 Thursday

Guys... time for another awakening.

I am not boasting.. well I guess I am.. but its true that we saw the revolution coming long before it came.. or what? My call for the solidarity movement was a precedent to whatever has been going on... ;) ok.. enough of the conceited BS.

instead of wasting you guys ko time.. i'll get down to the crux of the matter.. well, solidarity and all is a good thing.. but things did not go according to our agenda.. the first step as awareness.. and I doubt if it really happenned.. I am sad that people thought of the King as the enemy.. when he one of the mere players in Krishna's all-pervading leela. A king, whoever he is, whatever he did, is new on the throne and did what he thought was best for the country. I honestly believe in the sinceretity of his good intentions in getting involved in the political imbroglio. But no.. the f@#$ing politicians twisted facts and cheated the masses and raised them against the King... a king whose birth right gives him the right to do whatever he did, or whatever people think he did. How can the masses punish a lion for killing the gazelle?? c'mon people.. we need to wake up.. the politicians are the enemy.. manipulating people and misleading the masses. this is my take on the whole damned thing.. I hope you guys will think on it.

one more thing.. its important.. so perk up... I am also afraid that the tragedy of Mahabharata will be repeated.. if you think about it.. whats the real tragedy of Mahabharata? its that king Bharata wanted his son to be his successor instead of the most suitable one. Got it? NO.. I am not talking of Gyanendra and Paras.. I am talking of the Indira Gandhi legacy in India... yeah.. right.. I am afraid of the Koirala legacy in Kathmandu.. people.. people.. people.. wake up... Girija is the prime minister now.. ok.. he has earned it.. and he deserves it.. but his son, grandson, nephew, his daughter, his niece should not assume a leadership position without deserving it. that is my take on it.. if history is reapeated, the people will be the ones to suffer.. so let us wake up.. and let us wake up the people on whose hands the finan decision rests..

thats all folks. think about it.

*** May 5, 2006 Friday

This is great MMS. Thank you for your views.

To come back to the discussion on "change".. well it has surprized me too. People have changed as a mass, right? I am yet to understand this phenomenon, because in fact, if you observe the individual, not much has changed. this is my contention. Also, as you mentioned at the end of your email about frames, which I call frame of reference, the perception of change depends on it. It all depends on which frame you are looking through. But again, yes, something has definitely changed with the Nepali populace, but what is that change? C'mon BRS, give it a go.

But again, change is not the issue I raised. It is universal and evident. But "why this change" is my question. Also, my assertion is that the King is not the enemy of democracy and that we need a king, in whatever shape or form. My assertion is that politicians are responsible for the 13+ years of turmoil, not the king. And this is the fact that has been twisted by politicians.

Now, mauist is another issue and it has mystified me more than ever. Who are they, what do they want, is the question nobody has been able to answer as of yet. And an answer to this question would simplify things a lot for everybody. But no.. its more convenient to keep the definition in a mask so that the miscreants may make use of it when they want and how they want. Someone quite appropriately said.. they are not maubadi.. they are khao-badi..

thats all then folks. guys, please contribute. BRS has never contributed to our discussions. Probably his views would help us clarify things. k ho yasto..


--- MMS wrote:

> Your thought stand out but I must say I cannot agree. No one had to 'twist'
> the kings' face. He did that to himself. Even the politicians are having a
> hard time dealing with the strict demands of the people. Now even the
> maoists are listening to the voice of the people. Somehow reality seems to
> be changing. Something has happened. What exactly? Is hard to say. How
> else do you explain the phenomenon of the revolution: people not caring
> about their lives, businesses forfeiting profits, schools posponing the
> future of children, government employees risking their necks, and the king
> so suddenly letting go within 20 days? May be Nepal is not cursed after
> all.
> Realities change. First the world is flat (pre-Columbus), then the earth is
> the centre of the universe (Aristotle), then the earth is part of the solar
> system (Galelio), then gravity pulls everything together (Newton), then time
> becomes a relative quantity and no more an absolute quantity (Einstein),
> then the universe is expanding like a balloon being blown (big bang theory),
> then atoms become waves and light becomes particles (quantum theory).
> Realities change. First the sky would fall on the heads of people if they
> were bad (Gaules), the forces of nature are governed by gods (mythology),
> then temperature, pressure, vast quantities of water, tectonic plates,
> control the forces of nature (geography), then human beings also affect
> climates (o-zone layer).
> Realities change. Madness is madness (pre-Freud), behind every mental
> disorder is sexual perversion (Freud), free sex is good (hippy movement),
> safe sex is best (post-AIDS).
> After all these evidences, we could deduce also that our realities also may
> be subject to change. We need new frames to look at the current occurrences, to explain them, and to predict even the immediate future. It
> seems mad but may be we have no option if we are to strive in these rapidly
> changing times.
> We may be talking about sexual attitudes, understanding of the forces of
> nature, and of the universe, as we could about the nature of the population
> of Nepal. I believe some fundamental changes has occured. What do you
> think it is?

*** May 8, 2006 Monday

Dear MMS,

I get your message; plus, I agree with you fully. There is change.. in expectations, and so much else. And what has come around is not surprising in the sense that there was so much chaos and therefore so much opportunity. However, the proceedings of the masses has appalled and baffled me at the same time because non of it has profit-ed the masses. My question is: how does it affect the lives of the people? I cannot fit the movement of the masses in a logical model for the following reasons:
1. who are mauists and what do they want? are they part of the
people's voice?
2. why do people revere Birendra and admonish his brother? they are
of the same blood.
3. how come Girija is the PM when he had nothing to do with the
revolution? is he the people's voice?

Well, the list goes on...

My intent is for understanding and trying to make everybody understand the truth. Most of the time it is more convenient not to understand, but if we are going towards democracy, awareness is the first step. People born into democracy will not appreciate its value as much as those born into slavery or despotism. But we dont want the
masses to suffer. The least we can do is to educate ourselves and thus educate the masses because we are the masses. Just because there is a bigger tide, it does not mean everybody must ride the tide. And isn't that what democracy is about? The freedom of choice? The freedom which says that the bigger fish does not always eat the smaller one. I may have a small voice of awareness and of solidarity, but I strongly believe that the element of choice must be present in every democracy. Democracy is not about the popular vote, otherwise, Al Gore would have been the president.

What I think is that we are thinking as individuals. We must think as the people. What we are now doing is just trying to match our voice with the so-called people's voice. And from the little I know about music, it produces interesting beats, but does not really resonate to the voice of solidarity. On the other hand, when each of us knows
what our own voice and when we can tune our individual voice along with other people's voice, then the voices can resonate and such resonance would be the ideal voice of the people that symbolizes the essence of democracy. Just singing along to the politician's fiddle will not take us anywhere other than drown us in the Lake of Enlightened Sheep. If I may say so myself, we the so-called educated, and, hopefully, intellectual mass, should least of all support the any of the three parties that have plunged our beloved country to
despair. We, the intellectual masses, should take the initiative to educate and inform our less fortunate fellow-citizens about the choices and opportunities that we may have.

I am not in favor of the King, nor the parties, nor the so-called third party.. but I am adamantly in favor of the people's betterment. i am adamantly for the awareness of the people, and hope that in time, they will be able to make their own choices. But meanwhile there needs to be an environment of learning, of peace, of awareness.
And I appreciated the King's move because sought to change the political chaos with the intellectual mass. It did not succeed, but I thought it was a good effort.

I am in favor of the people's movement also, but aware people. Let each one discover his voice.. then join a movement.. not to join a movement to find a voice... that is the gist of my message.

If you ask me, this so called people's voice will not last long.. it will either whither away, or will be replaced by staunch support for a particular faction.. and such segregation is counter productive to our solidarity movement. For that reason I am not happy with this
current direction of the masses, a direction that comes not of awareness, but of emotion or false sense of movement. Its like a rocking chair that keeps your moving but gets you nowhere.

Anyway, I still have hope and hope that at least some of your voices will resonate with mine.

Thats all folks.


---MMS wrote:

> The last 'jana andolan' was a fantastic event, challenging our assumptions
> to the core. There are many theories to explain what, why, how. MAny more
> will come over time. This thesis is an attempt to explain this historic
> occurence. In the end I think that this phenomenon is not unique to
> politics and that the learnings can be transferred to our own professional,
> community and family lives.
> Change in the populations' behaviors, attitude towards monarchy, forgetfulness of
> the wrongs done by the politicians, enigma behind the
> maobadi can be explained by the altering expectations of the people.
> Expectation is a very powerful force for right or wrong. All the four
> elements I listed above, shift in mentality of people, hatred towards
> monarchy, forgiveness of the parties, conspiracy theory about the maoists,
> are the effects of one single cause: evolving expectations. Again
> expectations is the effect of many factors. So what is expecations? It is
> both a cognition and a feeling stemming from desire. It is the belief that
> something must be recieved. It is the belief that one is owed, that one
> deserves something. In short, expectation is like condensed hope.
> During the Rana Regime, people expected only to be able to live, eat, work
> and the kings expected to have a life of luxury and excess. This was the
> fuel for the Rana's seize of power for 101 years. Then a book came out in
> the market with a very simple metaphor: the bird in a golden cage. Along
> side, some liberals Rana's gave education to the people. Education is like
> a virus. Its message spread. Slowly, the thought of what is life for and
> how much one deserves from the state, began to change. Just performing the
> basic rituals of life, indulging in the senses and staying blind to the
> madness of the rulers became unacceptable. Does this coincide with a growth
> in the physical brain or DNA, or is it just an addition of knowledge, is
> hard to say. But changes in perpection happened from one to two, to four,
> to 16, to 256 and suchwise exponentially. Was it a surprise the Rana regime
> fell? So this evidence adds one point to my thesis: dramatic change
> expectation is the driving force of all revolutions.
> Revolution is an abrupt change, the more abrupt the change in expectations,
> the bigger, faster, bloodier revolution. That is aggreable. But how about
> the change attitude and behavior othe people? Does it precede the
> revolution? Does it walk along the revolution or does it come after the
> revolution? I think in case of the last revolution in nepal, it began with
> a few part of the population before, then like a contagious disease consumed
> much of the remaining population and finally towards the end, it claimed
> everyone even the king.

> It is not about the king. It is neither about the politicians or maobadi.
> It is about the the expectation of people who want to have a life of peace.
> It is the expecation of people to have work, that pays more than to fulfil
> the basic needs. It is the expecation of people to be able to express their
> feelings, their opinions. It is the expecation of people not to be
> exploited, cheated or ignored. Such expectations could not be met by the
> king. The parties expertly molded themselves as humble representatives of
> the people rather than their rulers. Maobadis were a product of rising
> expectations, jealousy of the have's by the have-not's, frustration and a
> clever leadership. Before the mounting wave of the transformed expecations
> of the people, they too had to succumb. Too much credit, they dont'
> deserve. Peace and prosperity is the prime expectation of the people: this
> is what this 'jana andolan' proved.
> This revolution has taught us many lessons. Among them is that expectation
> is a powerful force. I thus urge you to examine your expectations. If you
> are running your own company, or if your supervising a group, or if you are
> the head of a family (small or big), please take note of this finding. Make
> sure you examine their expectations too, how they are changing, whether for
> good or bad, rise or fall. I call upon you to ride those waves of
> expectations and not try to stop them or smash them, for as we have seen, it
> is quite impossible.
> > MMS


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